Distillation of 2nd Gathering and Neill's Proposal

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Hopes and desires expressed

  1. To define what we are in a way that we can all understand (small group? church plant?) and also initial goals of the group.
  2. To work on a variety of ministry possibilities in small groups of folks who feel particularly called to that particular ministry
  3. To start a regular worship service in Second Life
  4. To build community and relationships (get to know each other) through study, prayer, and worship
  5. To bypass the virtual/real barrier
  6. To become a ministry nested with the PCUSA, helping the denomination to:
    • explore evangelism and church planting in an online context
    • be a presence that helps people here cope, discern, wrestle with whatever they may be working through.
    • draw together, connect, and help Presbyterians new to Second Life and virtual reality
    • support Presbyterians already engaged in various ministries in Second Life
  7. To do ministry in a way that honors both our Presbyterian heritage and our Second Life context.
    • on the Presbyterian heritage side of things, this includes a reformed/reforming outlook, sharing of ministry with elders, and some of the ideas at the core of the Book of Order (especially first three chapters, mission of church, etc.)
    • on the Second Life context side of things, this includes "building it as we drive it," starting organically rather than institutionally, and letting the spirit guide the ministry as we listen to the stories of others.
  8. The eventual emergence of a core group of leaders committed to working toward a common vision.

Points of Consensus

  1. The more responsibility folk have for others (i.e. pastoral & counseling functions), the more we need to know about them (SL & RL transparency/accountibility).
  2. This is to be balanced with a healthy respect for the privacy and anonymity of those not in leadership roles who come to Second Life as a "safe place" to explore their spirituality and identity.
  3. For now, Neill will serve as liaison between this group and the PCUSA, and will continue to facilitate/organize meetings.
  4. We'll revisit the issue of official connections and structure in September, after we've gotten to know each other a little better.
  5. It would be good for those who are committed to this group to also experience other worship services and expressions of ministry in SL, and continue to familiarize themselves with the Second Life context.

Neill's Proposal